Guidelines for Grantseekers

The Foundation grants support innovative ideas, programs and mechanisms that serve our Mission: advancing public awareness of science and the value of science education

The general guidelines and process for grantseekers is outlined below. For further information, contact us.


Fondation H. Dudley Wright is a private foundation registered in Geneva, Switzerland. We accept grant proposals only for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes, primarily from entities and individuals engaged in science education and research, including educational institutions and intergovernmental organizations. While our grants are predominantly focused on interests in the region of Geneva, the Foundation will consider applications of merit that extend our Mission elsewhere.


Inquiry >> Questionnaire >> Grant Proposal >> Review >> Notification

Before preparing a letter of inquiry or grant proposal, we encourage you to carefully review the guidelines and geographic limitations.

Our resources are small compared to our Mission, therefore we review all grant proposals carefully to ensure that our support leads to attaining the Foundation’s primary objectives.

  • Grant proposals are reviewed on a quarterly basis.
  • Notification of the Foundation’s review within twelve weeks after proposal submission


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