Mission: Advancing Science Knowledge


The objective of Fondation H. Dudley Wright is to develop greater understanding of science in the region of Geneva, Switzerland and internationally, focused on encouraging:

  • interdisciplinary exchange across fields of basic science
  • young people to explore science--and consider it as a career
  • the general public's greater appreciation for science

The Foundation acts on its own behalf or in collaboration with other organizations pursuing similar goals of public interest.


Fondation H. Dudley Wright works on the issues that Dr. H. Dudley Wright cared about: to make the most recent advances in science accessible to the general public and to inspire young people to choose careers in science.

In doing so, the Foundation demonstrates the beliefs that guide our present and future program focus:

  • that exposure to science and scientific thinking--particularly when people of diverse perspectives and knowledge come together to exchange ideas--is a critical ingredient for innovations with potential benefit to society
  • that every person—regardless of their formal education and training—has the capacity to understand the essence of even the most complex scientific discoveries and that scientists have a responsibility to share their didactic experiences with the public

To ensure that our support leads to attaining the Foundation's core objective, since our resources are small compared to the challenge, the Foundation takes great care to select partners and grantees who are best able to make meaningful impact in science research communications, teaching, and learning.